The Companion of Grief: The Unwanted Guest
I lost a baby, my only son, when I was 15 weeks pregnant. Lots of people lose babies; it's a common occurrence.What I wasn't prepared for was the feeling that I had just joined a club- a club that no-one wants to be a member of. It is something that isn’t understandable unless you are experiencing it, and it can be very lonely. Navigating the sea of grief is a learning process. Because of my experience with my son, I have learned a few things. 1. My child was meant to make a difference in my life. It happened, and it is part of who I am. 2. The affect my baby had on me and the world did not end when he died. I see people differently than I did before, I see the world differently, I see life differently. This grief has made me a much more compassionate person. I am far more hesitant to assume that I know what I would do in any given situation, because I have truly learned that you really don’t know until you are faced with it yourself. 3. ...